Amber Dalzell, LCPC, ATR-BC, ATCS

Your journey

Let’s talk about the journey, where you’ve been and where you’re going. Because you are here, and I’m so glad you are.

Maybe you’ve seen some signs nudging you toward this journey, such as feeling stuck, battling your inner critic, or withdrawing from things you used to enjoy. You must feel the toll of all this emotional weight.

Laying things on the table

You haven’t given up, and this is where we meet. Pull yourself up to my table, where people on a similar journey have found courage to take a good hard look at the heart of all these issues.

This is a safe place! This is a creative place! But this is a place where people sometimes feel a little uncomfortable and vulnerable.

If you’ve gotten this far, I’m confident you already knew that it wouldn’t be a piece of cake.

Getting acquainted

If you’ve been to therapy before, I’ve got a few counseling methods that may seem different from what you previously encountered in therapy. Regardless if you’ve been to therapy, that’s okay. Keep reading.

I want you to learn to get a feel for what it is like to work with me.

Art therapy

Art Therapy is not about making a masterpiece, so leave the “I can’t draw a straight line” at the door. It is just as appropriate for adults as it is for kids and teens, and nobody expects you to be Picasso.

Because of challenges in my past, I know how hard it can be to “speak up.” This is how I discovered the therapeutic power of making art. You will recognize a variety of materials here, and it won’t take long for you to start feeling comfortable.

I also use EMDR techniques, which use line drawing or tapping while focusing on specific thoughts, memories, or tension in your body.


None of this happens, though, until we have had a chance to meet and identify your goals. Consider the last time that you felt satisfied with where you are in life as well as your friendships and relationships.

If we were having this conversation six months from now, what would you need to see to feel good about your progress?

My goal is to work together with clients to achieve their goals. I want the families I work with to see just how important attachments are to the problem-solving and relationship-repair process.

I want teens with whom I work to see that there is so much more to who they are. I want my clients to see that they matter!

Change is possible

You may feel like I’m asking you to take a risk. But I won’t ask you to do anything I’m not willing to do myself.

Change is possible! I’ve seen people who described themselves as “broken” from trauma, abuse, and neglect learn to feel “whole.” They became capable of living out their dreams.

Do you want any of these things, too? If you have questions for me, please call or email me. A consultation is free, so let’s schedule one!

About Me

I’m embarrassed to admit, but I’m quiet. As a kid I was told I’m shy, but I disagree. I’ve been told I’m sensitive as if it’s a weakness, but I disagree with that, too.

Turns out, quiet people are pretty good listeners. Sensitivity is a strength; and I’d even go so far as to say: as an artist, I’m a pretty good observer.

I also know what it is like to feel so passionately about something that you are willing to do anything to see it come true. In such moments, I can get animated, and I might even curse a little. I’m okay with it if you need to curse a little, too.

Having insecurities plague my life, I conquered them to attain two master’s degrees in counseling and art therapy from Avila University.

I created a successful career as an art therapist which I’ve enjoyed for over a decade.

One activity of which I am most proud because it is ‘so not me’ was to carry the role of president of the Kansas Art Therapy Association. Me! Shy, quiet, sensitive me!

When I’m relaxing, I enjoy reading all types of fiction and am always open to a new book recommendation. I also enjoy being outdoors, walking my two dogs, and planning Geocaching adventures with my family.